Performance pictures:
Nice pants! Playing
to a non-existent crowd. With Oneida and Mao Tse Helen. Photo
by Liz O'Bynrne or Anne Hazlett. (I forget which. It doesn't matter,
but lI like to give credit where credit is due.)
The last show, May 26th, 1998,Lexington, VA, with
the Larry Keel Experience. Photo
taken by Dan Rushing
May 26th. Giving the secret satan sign, or evil hand. L-R:
Demon Boy, Jimmy, Jed, G-Rock. I think that's cigarette smoke in
the picture, or a ghost. Photo
by Dan Rushing. So probably smoke.
A few B&W shots taken for the
hell of it, in pretentious rock star fashion-
a faux "j crew" shot
of the band. L-R G-Rock., Jimmy, Demon, Jed
Photos taken by Eric Ginnis
In action! ...well, it seemed
like a good idea at the time...
but a cool picture. Very symmetrical and balanced, it I do say so myself.
L-R: Jimmy Angel, Demon Boy, G-Rock, Jed
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©1999 Three Match Breeze